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Interesting background illustration

2018년 05월 02일   Dr Tentacles

このレビューは参考になった x 3人

This is a collection of background illustrations which contain 2 modern building in ruin invaded by plants, 8 illustrations of awe-inspiring natural scenery with sometime a touch of fantasy, 4 scenery of modern city, 3 scenery with a huge medieval castle (or city) inside an impressive landscape, 1 underground library, 1 futuristic city lost in mountains and 1 lizard (yes, one lizard, this is not a mistake).

Quality of the illustrations is very good with a lot of variety (from modern city full of neon and concrete to pure, immaculate natural landscape). My only complaint is that there is only a PDF file which is not the optimal format to enjoy the illustrations (a png or jpeg file in addition of the pdf file will have been welcomed).

However, I you are interested in background illustrations you can give it a try. The product is of quality and cheap.

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