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Đánh giá cho SEREN HEXA-SPACE:01」 

Awesome 3D illustrations

28/01/2010   PzkpfwIII Ms/Mr

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

Thể loại do người đánh giá lựa chọn:

GG-SPACE's representability on 3D is awesome. The body deformation by tentacles and the liquid effect by sweaty skin and splashed juice and breast milk are so real. I've never seen this kind of detail on other 3d works on DLsite. He realy did it just by Animation Master and trueSpace? Cool! (Actually just I noticed that you released the HEXA--SPACE:01 on 2003.) I can't help to await the next release.

* là hạng mục bắt buộc)

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