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Avis sur  フラワープリンセス エルル -痴漢車両・お触り調教編ー

オススメ! Molestation Game

29/07/2019   I love it M. / Mme.

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

Mots clés sélectionnés par l'évaluateur :

The firts thing that i see was the 80's design of the heroine Elulu like old anime, i'm not fan to this type of draw but because i don't see many h-game like that, i played to the demo, and there are only touching, a surprise for me and i thinking there will be s*x scene in the buying version.
and no, just molestation.
i can't say anything than i love it,
touching are multiple and different mob come to you for try to fall elulu in the lewdness, and more you reach your objective and more the villains become courageous.

* est un champ obligatoire)
