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Avis sur  Chaosrise

オススメ! A great bullet hell H game

14/06/2017   john42bravo M. / Mme.

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

There is an uncensored patch you can find on the web somewhere (I don't know where).

This game is a going to be very familiar to those that play bullet hell style game like geometry wars.

Shoot tons of bullets, dodge bullets and lasers, and activate your special ability when needed but you only get a handful per area so use it wisely.

Each section has a CG plus each boss has their own CG, there are two playable characters as well meaning that there are plenty of CG's to go around. I just prefer actual animation to CG's though.

Another cool thing is that your character is displayed on the left side of the screen in game. As you take damage the clothing is slowly stripped off your character which is pretty sexy in my opinion, even their facial appearances change from calm to worried

* est un champ obligatoire)
