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Đánh giá cho 魔天使サクラの冒険-サクラと禁断の鏡-」 

オススメ! Fantastic game Can't Wait to play the Sequel

09/03/2015   misuta Ms/Mr

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

This is a wonderfully fun and challenging side scrolling game. The story is interesting and well written, the music is fantastic as well and the game play is simple, fluid and fun. Not to mention the vore scenes are pretty erotic and each enemy you fight of course is unique and challenging.

Now it took me me my first death to figure out that Sakura is actually a boy dressed like a girl which makes a lot more sense for the game. But, man the Voice Actors feminine voice almost convinces you otherwise.

* là hạng mục bắt buộc)

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