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「魔天使サクラの冒険-サクラと禁断の鏡-」 へのレビュー -> Recensione per "魔天使サクラの冒険-サクラと禁断の鏡-"

オススメ! A Sexy Giantess Vore Adventure

17/10/2015   DarkMatter

このレビューは参考になった x 1人

I was a bit worried as to what I was to expect when I bought this game. I'm not usually into vore that leads to death, but the death animations weren't really gruesome and are skippable if you do not wish to watch it. Not to mention this game had much more to it than just the vore gimmick. Each boss had different animations and kinks to them that made them all fun to watch. The story was well put together, even if it wasn't anything too new or exciting, the characters had good dialogue, and the designs and animations of the demons made this game very memorable to me.

The gameplay revolves around just killing bosses. There are no platforming sections nor are there any minions to defeat or avoid. The bosses are tough, and require quite a bit of skill to defeat. When I first played this, I tried it on Hard and immediately regretted my decision. The bosses have specific patterns to their attacks, however the types of attacks thrown out are directed at you in a very specific way, so you must be aware of your location to the boss and how the boss will react to that information.

The English translation of the game was done very well. Nothing is spoken in a way that is hard to understand, and the characters all have unique personalities. The menus are also very clear and easy to understand as well. It's hard for me as an English speaker to buy a game clearly meant for someone who speaks another language to play, so this meant a lot to me.

I found it pretty cool that there's an Android version of this game included with it as well. I don't think it's something I'd play waiting on the bus, but it is something you could take to bed with you.

Anyway, I definitely rate this game at least a 4 out of 5, just because I feel like it could have been a bit longer. Anyone with a fetish for Giantesses, monster girls, or vore will definitely get a huge kick out of this game. I'll definitely be checking out the sequels soon!

* è un campo obbligatorio)
