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Reseñas de  ビッチな妹がやきもち焼いちゃいました

Basic incest

01/21/2018   Trevanman さん

このレビューは参考になった x 0人

Palabras clave que seleccionó el reseñador:

I would like to mention that the Imouto character in this doujin is not the same as the one on the beach. Or rather, I don't believe she is, due to the following reasons:
1. Their breasts are different.
2. Their haircolors are a slightly different hue.

But enough about that.
Again, a pretty basic incest doujin. And again, the bitch/slut is (other than the imouto) blonde haired. And probably also a tsundere.

I don't like tsunderes, but I'm glad that at least in this doujin the tsundere gets what she really needs. A rock hard c*ck shoved up her cunt.

(* es un campo obligatorio)
