Audio/ASMR works are now available for translation!

Your translations can help
spread Japanese manga and audio
all over the world!
That's "Translators Unite"!

Patent Pending

Translators Unite has new, translatable works being added every day... And that means new translations are added all the time, too!

Translate and earn rewards

About Translators Unite

Your translation can help spread Japanese manga and audio throughout the world!
All you need to do is purchase a manga that's registered as open for translation, and you're ready to start! Projects can be quickly and easily completed via a web browser, and you get a cut of the sales of the translated edition.

  • About Translators Unite_01
  • About Translators Unite_02

Over 10,000 works
are already available for translation!



Supported Languages














Supported Formats

Doujin manga
audio works/ASMR
registered as open for translation.

About Translation Rewards

Choose the works you want to translate.Get paid for it too!

Receive a reward based on sales of the translated edition. The per-sale reward depends on the creator.

You can also translate for free if you don't want a reward, but still want to support the creator.
(The reward will be returned to the creator!)

Standard TranslationTranslation rewards for a work sold for 770 Yen

Creators set the rewards rates for each work.

Reward rate

352 Yen

per download

Reward rate

220 Yen

per download

Reward rate

88 Yen

per download

* Please be aware that translation rewards are linked to the wholesale price of the original work, and so may be affected by changes to the original work's price, and by sales and promotions.

Translate on Commission

Alternatively, you can apply to work on commission! DLsite will ask you to translate a specific work and you can earn rewards when you’re done!

Rewards for commissions are 100 JPY per page. (Translators will not receive the standard translation rewards for works sold.)

If you would like to translate on commission you must have completed translating at least one work using Translators Unite and submit an application. After checking your application and past translations, successful applicants will be contacted via email.

If you would like to translate on commission, apply now!

Apply to translate on commission!

CommissionsTranslation rewards for a work with 40 pages

40 pages × 100 JPY = 4,000JPY

* The “Translate on Commission” option is only available for English translations.

* The “Translate on Commission” option may be suspended without notice depending on the number of translation submissions.

Creators set the rewards rates for each work



Requests product translation

Sets translator reward rate

  • 20
  • 50
  • 80

Manga is added to [ eligible translation list ]

Translator chooses between



Selects manga to translate

* Translation requires product purchase.

Translator chooses between

  • Translate for Free
  • Get Standard Rewards
  • Work on commission

How will translation take place?

Translations are completed online using an easy-to-understand system! There's no need to use design tools, so you can focus on translating only!

All translation happens online using our easy-to-understand system,
so you don't need to use your own tools!

For manga, you can do all the retouching and text editing in your browser!

How to use the translation system...

The same work can have multiple registered translations!
Translations will be displayed in order of highest translator rating to lowest.

  • The same work can have multiple registered translations!

    The same work can have multiple registered translations!
    Share your own translation approach with the world!

    *Maximum 30 translations for manga, 5 for voice/ASMR.

  • Translated works will be made available for sale after our native language proofreaders check for machine or stolen translations.

    Translated works will be made available for sale after our native language proofreaders check for machine or stolen translations.

  • This way, the most popular  work will be the most visible.

    The display order of translated products will go from highest ratings to lowest.
    This way, the most popular work will be the most visible.

The world is waiting for your translations!

Translated products may not under any circumstance be sold or distributed on other websites or stores.

Creators can change product sales pricing at any time, which will also alter the per-sale translation reward.

The sale of translated editions may be suspended at the request of the creator.

* Creators must agree beforehand to allow for translated editions to be sold for 90 days following an application for the suspension of sales.

* Sales may be suspended immediately in cases of rights infringement, etc.

Please read [ Translators Unite Translator Terms and Conditions ] fully before joining.

Register as a Translator (free)

* Please note that the translation system is only compatible with PCs. Register only if you have access to one.

3 Steps to Start Translating

Register an Account

1-1DLsite user registration
You can register an account by entering your email address, login ID, password, and date of birth. You can also login using a social media account.
1-2Circle (creator) registration
After completing user registration, you will be directed to the translator registration page.
Here, you must fill out an important form relating to payment, agreement with the translator terms and conditions, etc.
* A "circle" can be a group or individual. The name of which is used to represent them.
Register as a Translator (free)

* Please note that the translation system is only compatible with PCs. Register only if you have access to one.

Search for translation-eligible works

2-1Select a work from the list of works eligible for translation
You can quickly browse what works are available for translation using the [ Eligible Works for Translation List ] Purchase of the work is required for translation.

Translate the work

3-1Apply to translate the work
Use [ Apply to Translate ] page to select what work to translate.

* The "Apply to Translate" page can be checked after registering as a translator.

* The "Apply to Translate" page displays what works you have purchased are available for translation.

3-2Choose translation language, and reward setting
Select the language you will translate the work to, and whether you will translate for rewards, or for free.
If you simply wish to support the creator, the percentage of sales that would be sent to the translator is instead returned to the creator!
Choose translation language reward setting
3-3Translate using the online system
Product data will be transferred to an online translation system, where you can then begin translation.
It may take a few minutes to a few hours until a work is ready for translation.Once the work is ready, you will receive an email from the translation system.
Translation takes place via the manga translation system "MANTRA ENGINE".
*MANTRA ENGINE requires a different account than your DLsite account.You will receive an email with your ID and password upon registration.
Translation takes place via the audio/ASMR translation system.
*You will use your DLsite account.
3-4When your translation is complete, apply for translation review
Click the "Submit" button in the translation system, and press "Translation Complete" to submit your translation for review.
If there are no problems with the translation, your translated edition is ready to be released! About the Translators Unite Review Process
Mantra Mantra

Translated products may not under any circumstance be sold or distributed on other websites or stores.

Creators can change product sales pricing at any time, which will also alter the per-sale translation reward.

The sale of translated editions may be suspended at the request of the creator.

* Creators must agree beforehand to allow for translated editions to be sold for 90 days following an application for the suspension of sales.

* Sales may be suspended immediately in cases of rights infringement, etc.

Please read [ Translators Unite Translator Terms and Conditions ] fully before joining.

Register as a Translator (free)

* Please note that the translation system is only compatible with PCs. Register only if you have access to one.


Service Operator

DLsite is one of Japan's largest platforms for otaku.

DLsite was first launched in 1996, and has now become one of the largest online shops dedicated to otaku in Japan, featuring over 1,200,000 doujin products, games comics, ASMR and more from a huge variety of creators.

DLsite boasts over 12 million registered users, and over 84,000 registered creators, with tons of new products released every day.

English language support for the site was added in 2004, while support for Chinese and Korean was added in 2020. The site can be used and enjoyed by users the world over.

*As of March 2024

How do I register as a translator for Translators Unite?
Create a DLsite account (or use an existing one, if you have one already), and fill out the translator registration form.
Before filling out the form, you must first read and agree to the [ Translators Unite: Translator Terms and Conditions]
What are the rewards for Translators Unite?
Translators are rewarded a portion of the sales of their translated edition based on a rate determined by the creator when they set translation permissions (80% / 50% / 20%).
Translators are also welcome to translate for free, if they simply wish to support the creators.
In this case, that portion of the translated version's sales will go back to the creator.

* Please be aware that translation rewards are linked to the wholesale price of the original work, and so may be affected by changes to the original work's price, and by sales and promotions.
How do I receive payment for works translated via Translators Unite?
  • For residents of Japan
Payments will be sent to the translator's bank account entered in during translator registration.
Payments are made when total reward exceeds 3000 yen.
The reward payment structure conforms to those found in the [ Circle Terms of Use ].
  • For non-residents of Japan
Payments will be sent to a PayPal or USD bank account via international money transfer using a platform called "Smartcat".
If you live outside of Japan, your first remittance from DLsite will occur two months after sales.
If the payment value is less than 3,000 JPY, payment will be made two months after the month sales valued at least 3,000 JPY.
[ Regarding Payments for Non-residents of Japan (smartcat) ]
How do I create a translation with Translators Unite?
Translators Unite translations are all done via web browser.
You don't need to be proficient in design or video editing software. Anybody can create a translation using our exclusive, intuitive translation tools.
Who holds the rights to the translation?
Works translated through this service are sold through DLsite with the prior permission of the creator.
As such, the rights to the translation are transferred to DLsite. Translators are rewarded a percentage of the translated version's sales as determined by the creator beforehand.
After a translation is complete, how long does it usually take for the translated edition to go on sale?
Translated editions are released for sale after passing through DLsite's review team. During periods with more translations being submitted, this process may take more time.
What is the Translators Unite translation review process?
All translated editions will be reviewed by native language proofreaders before release. Please understand that translations may be sent back if they are found to not be native-level.
Essentially, everything except overlapping content (different formats) should be translated.
This includes variations and bonus content. Incomplete translations will not be approved for sale.
Reasons a translation can be sent back include:
  • Machine translations (such as Google or DeepL)
  • Text copied from an existing translation
  • Plagiarism
  • Incomplete translations

Manga *Manga translations may also be sent back for the following reasons:

  • Rough or incomplete retouching
  • Unnecessary retouching
Places where translation is unnecessary include:
  • Covers and logos where adequate retouching/design would be difficult
  • SFX that interfere with the art
  • In the case of JPG/PNG format variations that are otherwise identical, only one version needs to be translated.
For further details about the review process, please see[ About the Translators Unite Review Process ].
How is the sale price of the translated edition determined?
The sale price of the translated edition is the same as the original work. When the original work is discounted, the translated editions will be similarly discounted.
Can the sales of a translated work be suspended?
The sale of a translated work can be suspended by the creator without notice. However, the sale of thetranslated work will continue for a period of 90 days following the suspension application (creators must agree to this term before using the service).
However, any translated works found to be illegal, derivative in nature, infringing on rights, breaking the Terms of Service / Compliance Policy, etc. will be immediately suspended.